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Expanding to Meet Your Needs – 16x12 Steel Bedplate for Motor Testing

At RSAW we know that our customers motor needs are continuously changing.  As such we’re continuously improving our capabilities for your benefit.  Did you know that our 16’ x 12’ steel bedplate for motor testing is the largest in the Southeast?  This is just one of a series of innovations we’ve introduced for our customers. 


The Alpha Through Omega of Motor Customer Service

When it comes to your motors, knowing the difference between good and bad customer service experiences and outcomes is important.  This blog post explores each of those scenarios, and ultimately what we call the Alpha Through Omega of Customer Service.  If you are not sure what customer service attributes to look for in a motor repair, service, sales, or storage partner you can find out more here.

RSAW Motor Storage

Long-Term Motor Storage – 4 Key Factors

It is common knowledge to those involved in the electric motor storage business that maintenance philosophies and procedures vary.  But getting it right isn’t that complicated.  Here are four key variables that EASA and RSAW found when looking at seven different motor manufacturers and the similarities and differences from each source.   They are environment, moisture protection, bearing maintenance, and insulation.